Here at the UPS Store, we always try to do our best to always go the extra mile and give each customer a one hundred and ten percent satisfactory experience, so it always pains us to hear that any customer is unsatisfied in any way by an experience at the store.
As certified Live Scan Technicians, we here at the store are also technically the face of the Certifix Live Scan Organization, and one downside to being such is that sometimes customers are sent here by their employers to have a Live Scan performed, but are not necessarily informed by their employers of the cost and everything it entails, such as having an ORI number or an account number to give to us so that we are able to properly perform the procedure.
This customer in particular I believe unfortunately had issues with the high price of the Live Scan and the fact that we charge a fee here at the store that he was not informed of ahead of time by his employer, and presumably he had not called ahead for any information regarding the procedure.
As for being "under the influence" my co-workers and most of our regular customers I'm sure can attest to the fact that I was most certainly not under the influence of any type of substance, have never been aggressive with any customer, I am usually the one to step in and try to calm the situation any time there is an issue with an agitated customer.
The Live Scan was completed correctly and as far as I know there was no issue other than the customer seemingly having issue with the prices for the procedure, which unfortunately there's nothing I can really do anything about.
Hopefully the customer will return again so we can have a second chance to deliver great customer service, and hopefully give him a reason to leave with a smile on his face.