I downloaded this movie on my computer one night at my girlfriends house in Long Beach while she was at work. Like a week later her roommates got a cease and desist letter warning them not to download movies anymore. That's all I really remember about Neighbors.
I was pretty excited about the new Godzilla when I saw the trailers for it.
Then I finally went to see it at the Vista and it was fine.
We're all just gonna die anyway so who gives a shit.
A Million Ways to Die in the West
I thought this movie was really funny but I was also really drunk when I watched it so you might wanna double check with Nate.
Edge of Tomorrow
Edge of Tomorrow is just like all those other movies that it looks exactly the same as but I saw it at the dollar theater and was pretty into it.
For a minute I thought I was in the wrong theater because there were a bunch of 2 year olds in it but it turns out I was in the right place and a bunch of parents took their little kids to see this. Fuck it.
I thought maybe this would be funny and it turns out its maybe the worst movie I've ever seen.
I saw this at the dollar theater(double feature with Edge of Tomorrow) and I snuck Del Taco in for this one.
However, trying to eat a Bean and Cheese burrito Bold with Red Sauce in a dark movie theater is pretty tough. I ended up getting beans all over myself.
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
Now for this movie I snuck in a Grilled Cheese Animal Style from In and Out Burger. I'm not as into In and Out Burger as some people but the people I was with stopped there and I hadn't eaten all day and was about to go get really drunk immediately after the movie so fuck it. The problem with my selection was once I got to my seat and reached into the bag to get my food out it was like reaching into a big bag of mush. Plus I had already come in late and was sitting in the front and I felt bad about doing so much ruffling around with my bag.
Also I liked the first Planet of the Apes remake better but I still liked this one ok.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Yeah of course I liked it everybody did.
I saw it on my birthday, although I do wish that Ninja Turtles had come out on my birthday instead of this because that would have made more birthday sense.
For like a week leading up to this I was convinced that I got free Shakeys on my birthday because I saw some random article that said that.
It turns out it was just some lady's blog post from like 2009 or something it was bullshit so fuck her.
I guess I'm officially an adult because people don't really buy me gifts anymore and there aren't any old people left to send me money.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
It was like Transformers but with Ninja Turtles instead of robots.
My parents took me to see the original one in the theater and they brought some of their Christian friends with them because everybody thought it was just some silly kids cartoon but it turns out the original movie was more like the old comics and it was kind of dark and there was a bunch of cussing in it.
So then I wasn't allowed to watch the sequel, but I bought a bunch of Secret of the Ooze trading cards so I got the gist of it.
The second one wasn't that great. Nothing much in life is.
Yeah, yeah, Boyhood was great and all, but what's the deal with that 7-11 at Vermont and Franklin by the Los Feliz 3 that doesn't take EBT?
Like what's their fucking problem, right?
I randomly saw this at this artsy theater in Oakland while I was on tour. I needed a break from the gang I was touring with so I went on a long walk by myself all over Oakland looking for a movie theater to kill some time in.
The only problem was the theater didn't have any outlets for me to plug my phone in which was one of my main goals of the day.
Like what's their fucking problem right?
Anyway, it was another exciting Summer Movie Season filled with Blockbusters and Superstars!
Can't wait to see what adventures are waiting for us around the corner for Summer Movie Season 2015!
Now I know which movies are good, and which are bad, and why.