Thursday, June 2, 2016

Well Here's What I Have to Say About Box (Censored)

Today's my day off and my work called me and they made me write this thing about this asshole at work and I decided to spin a negative into a positive and just pretend it's some short story I wrote or something.
You know, people who go to stores are some of the worst people in the world. At least they are when you work in a store.
Boy I sure hope I end up on unemployment again soon!


I came to work Wednesday morning at 9am on June 1st.
Around 12:30 or 1 I'm not sure of the exact time, I received a phone call on the store phone. The customer immediately began yelling and cursing at me about some missing packages. I knew nothing of the situation at the time and had no idea who this person was. 

Eventually I got it out of him that he was a box holder number (censored) and that he was supposedly missing 7 packages. I tried to explain to him, though he would not really listen to me, that this was the first I had heard of the situation and if he would calm down and stop cursing and being rude to me that I would help him the best that I could.

I later found out from my co-workers that he had also called last night acting the same way.
He wanted to speak to the owner or the manager, I told him that the manager would be in in about two hours and he could either call back or I can leave a message for him to call when he arrives. He would not accept this for an answer and demanded that I give him the owners cell phone number, the managers cell phone number and my full name and cell phone number.
I refused to give him anyone's personal phone numbers, and due to the way he was speaking to me I also refused to give him any information other than my first name.
He then proceeded to scream at me and threaten to come beat me up. 
He said that he was going to "drag me out into the street and chop my head off."
I told him that I would not help him anymore, that  the manager would be in at 3:30 and he could call back and talk to him and I hung up the phone.
He called back again immediately and the threats and cursing continued.
He called my co-workers and cursed and threatened them as well.

I don't know anything about this person on the other end of the phone, maybe he's actually crazy enough that he will come to the store and attempt to chop my head off.
I take the threat seriously and call the Los Angeles Police Department non-emergency line.
I tell them everything that is happening and how this person has threatened to murder me.
I give the police the phone number he has been calling from.
The customer refused to ever give me his name so I am not able to provide that information.
The police officer on the phone calls him on the other line while I hold. He tells me that he has him on the other line and I inform the officer that I refuse to speak to this man.
The officer gets off the phone with him and tells me that the customer is accusing me of stealing his packages and is accusing me of fraud.
He recommends that I try again to sort this out with the customer and if the customer does show up at the store to attempt some sort of violence to call them.
He also advises me that I could go to the police station and file a police report.
This is an option that I have not yet pursued but am contemplating.

The customer has been continuing to call the store constantly before and during my conversation with the police.
At this point I have already written the customers phone number down and advised my co-workers not to answer his calls.
I take the advice of the police officer and take his call attempt to get the tracking numbers of the supposedly missing packages. I manage to get a few of the tracking numbers down on paper but he continues to be rude and insulting, he continues to curse at me until I inform him that I am no longer willing to help him with this situation and that he will have to call back when the manager arrives.
He does not take this well, says he refuses to wait for the manager. Tells me that he is going to keep calling the store non-stop if I don't "give him his packages."
I tell him he can call the store as much as he wants and we will not be answering and that when the manager arrives he will contact him.

The customer continues to call non-stop. We ignore his calls and attempt to take calls from the other customers.
That is until he starts calling us from other lines and either tries to speak in different voices or has different people calling us.
This constant barrage of phone calls is making it very difficult for us to focus on the numerous customers in the store who we are trying to help.
It is also tying up the phone lines so that none of our other customers are able to call into the store.
I made the decision that it seemed like the best option would just be to unplug the phone lines and not take any calls.

I managed to get i think 3 of the tracking numbers for the supposed 7 packages he claimed that we had stolen from him.
I looked them up in the computer and was able to verify that these packages that the customer had been harassing us over had indeed been picked up and signed for by one of the customer's employees who he often sends to pick up his mail for him and who we in the past have had him verify over the phone are his employees and are authorized to pick up his mail for him.

We are also able to find a date and time for when these packages were picked up and signed for.
And thanks to the security cameras we utilize in our store, we are able to go to the date and time and verify with a clear visual that his employee had indeed been to the store and has picked up and signed for his packages.

The customer took it upon himself to call our store and threaten me with violence. He literally threatened to murder me.
And in the end it turned out it was literally for no reason at all. Because he didn't take the time to check if he or his employees had in their possession a few packages.

I take his threat seriously and I do not intend to have any further interactions with this customer or any of his employees on company time or on personal time.

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